The weather suddenly turned beautiful near the end of the week so we took advantage of a couple of Utah's abundant parks and Kyle's parents did a superb job of capturing Ellie's every emotion as she explored the great outdoors.
Kyle celebrated his 26th on the 25th with a homemade ice cream cake/volcano. It was liquifying at a rapid rate, but thankfully I happened to find two perfect candles for the occasion (plus an extra to make it accurate). Kyle notes that the highlights of his birthday were spicy chicken wings with ranch sauce, 3 bags of chips, chicken enchiladas with "the works," and the ice cream cake, of course.
We also made it out to a petting zoo, which was probably the highlight of Ellie's life thus far. She even came away with a nice farmer's tan. Although Ellie delighted in the pigs and cows, no experience compared to the pony ride. Kyle says she exclaimed "neigh! neigh! neigh!" for the entire ride and was inconsolable when it ended. Since then, she generously bestows the name "Neigh" upon every animal she likes.
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
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