Guess what? I finally got rid of my flip phone (which, for the record, I actually loved and would've kept if it were up to me) since Kyle went all-out and gifted me a little something fancy for Christmas and I can take pictures on my new phone! Also I can reliably receive text messages and people say they can actually understand what I'm saying now, so that'll be nice. Our camera's been busted for a long while, so this new developments means I'm one step closer to actually documenting our doings so they can be recorded here! Just one step, though, folks. I still didn't manage to dig my phone out at the zoo today. That's why I bring along nice, responsible friends who take pictures of my kids.
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
Yeah Yeah Yeah!
Yeah Yeah Yeah!
What!?! Two posts in less than one week. Who is this and what have you done with Tiffany? lol j/k I hope to see more and more posts this year. I'm still rockin' a flip phone. I think I may get a new iphone before the new baby comes but we'll see. It's nice for some things ... like a gps while I'm driving around and get lost and taking pictures without dragging my big camera everywhere but I almost preferred not having one because I found I spent too much time on my phone and less on my kids. Having a flip phone fixed that.
Righteous! I love that you're blogging again! I know you want me to shut up about FB already, but I'm telling you, it is waaay easier and less time-consuming. I bet you could even make a book out of your FB posts and pics--in fact, there's probably an ap for that, as the saying goes...
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