Monday, January 13, 2014


Guess what? I finally got rid of my flip phone (which, for the record, I actually loved and would've kept if it were up to me) since Kyle went all-out and gifted me a little something fancy for Christmas and I can take pictures on my new phone!  Also I can reliably receive text messages and people say they can actually understand what I'm saying now, so that'll be nice.  Our camera's been busted for a long while, so this new developments means I'm one step closer to actually documenting our doings so they can be recorded here!  Just one step, though, folks.  I still didn't manage to dig my phone out at the zoo today.  That's why I bring along nice, responsible friends who take pictures of my kids.  


Unknown said...

Yeah Yeah Yeah!

Unknown said...

Yeah Yeah Yeah!

Heather said...

What!?! Two posts in less than one week. Who is this and what have you done with Tiffany? lol j/k I hope to see more and more posts this year. I'm still rockin' a flip phone. I think I may get a new iphone before the new baby comes but we'll see. It's nice for some things ... like a gps while I'm driving around and get lost and taking pictures without dragging my big camera everywhere but I almost preferred not having one because I found I spent too much time on my phone and less on my kids. Having a flip phone fixed that.

Joe and Christie said...

Righteous! I love that you're blogging again! I know you want me to shut up about FB already, but I'm telling you, it is waaay easier and less time-consuming. I bet you could even make a book out of your FB posts and pics--in fact, there's probably an ap for that, as the saying goes...